Rules of play
Adherence to all posted safety rules is required.
Masks must be worn at all times to prevent serious eye injuries.
Maximum on field velocity for a paintball marker is 280 FPS (feet per second).
All markers will be checked before entering the field.
No automatic fire is allowed.
All HPA (High Pressure Air) tanks will also be inspected for hydro testing.
Tanks must have been tested every 5 years for steel tanks and 7 years for carbon fiber.
Barrel plugs and Marker safety must be used
You must use your barrel plug any time not in game play.
Plugs may be removed right before the game starts and put back on as soon as the player is tagged out.
The gun’s safety must be on at all times when not playing.
Seriously, Keep your mask on
Remember the safety-first rule.
Masks must be worn at all times to prevent serious eye injury.
Under no circumstance can you take your mask off in a “Masks On” zone.
Obey all posted signs.
Cheaters are Lame
If you are hit or marked by an opponent, call yourself out.
If you are not sure the ball broke on you, call a referee over and they will let you know if you have been hit or not.
You may not shoot your marker while waiting for a ball break verification.
Look where you are shooting
No blind fire.
Do not shoot the refs.
Respect the Referee
The referee’s word is final and must be obeyed.
Again, do not shoot the refs.
Paintball is fun!
Remember paintball is a fun team sport.
Always be respectful to your teammates and opponents.
Everyone is here to have a good time.
No fires of any kind will be tolerated.
Smoking of tobacco is only allowed in designated areas.
“Surrender or Die”
If you are within 15 feet of a player, you must give them the option to surrender before shooting them.
There is no point-blank shooting allowed.
No Weapons Allowed
No weapons of any kind are allowed on the playing field except for the paintball markers.
No firearms are permitted on the property.
Leave when you are Hit
Once you have been hit, you must leave the field of play.
A hit is any ball that breaks on your person or gear.
Gun hits do not count.
No Lasers or Smoke Grenades